A choreographic journey through Korea and Japan.
Intention note
During the Summer 2008 the two choreographers Malgven Gerbes and David Brandstätter travelled together with the video artist Julien Crépieux and the sound designer Christoph Engelke for two months through South Korea and Japan. Together with local artists they organised each day a site-specific performance in a new environment. In Notebook the artists give insight on their travel notes, sharing their impressions and reflections. Using movement, text, video, sound and a moving installation in a media crossing dialogue, they take the spectator on a very personal journey to the Asian world.
“They reproduce this cohesion in lightness that we admire in Asian societies, and create an opening for meditation while working exclusively with current occidental aesthetical means.”
“A travel diary through Korea and Japan, subtly translated into words, gestures and sounds with a lot of finesse.”
Original in French
Artistic statement
“The memory of movement.
The movement of memory.”David Williams, 2010
CHOREOGRAPHY, PERFORMANCE Malgven Gerbes, David Brandstätter | VIDEO Julien Crépieux | SOUND Christoph Engelke | LIGHT Jens Siewert | DRAMATURGIC ADVICE David Williams | TOURING Alix Pellet, Clémence Rey | PRODUCTION s h i f t s – art in movement | COPRODUCTION fabrik Potsdam : Artists-in-Residence, Session House Tokyo | WITH THE SUPPORT OF Bezirksamt Berlin Schöneberg, Institut Français Séoul, Korean National University of Arts Séoul, Tanzfabrik Uferstudios Berlin | SOME PERFORMANCES HAVE RECEIVED THE SUPPORT OF l’ODIA Normandie - Artistic Development Office of Normandy; le NPN Nationales Performance Netz; le Goethe Institut; l'Alliance française; le Fonds Franco-Allemand
Les Hivernales d’Avignon | Festival Made in Potsdam | Festival Dance Munich | Dartington Hall UK | Japanese German Centre jDZB Berlin | Festival tours d’horizons CCN tours | Cité Danse Grenoble | Festival Temps d’images Cluj | Shanghai Grand theatre | Festival Croisements